Species of Fish and Limits:

The local waters outside of Prince of Wales is world renowned. Catch-A-King was founded in this area purely because of the abundance of life in the waters. Prince of Wales Island is a water highway for traveling salmon moving from their feeding grounds to the rivers to spawn. When the salmon make their passages along the local islands, the bottom fish (halibut, ling cod, and rock fish) migrate in from the deeper water to feed on the salmon as well.

King Salmon:

King salmon are a staple of fishing in Southeast Alaska. Being able to grow great in size, it’s no surprise that at Catch-A-King charters we strive to give you the opportunity to catch this fish. The average size for this fish usually ranges between 15-25 pounds, but can be caught up to 60 pounds on a very rare occasion. Our biggest King that has been caught at our lodge was over 70 pounds! King salmon are usually present year round, and can even be caught in the middle of winter. However, their numbers drastically increase in the local waters toward the end of May. If catching this fish is a priority to you, fishing in June and early July is suggested. This fish’s limits change each year and also change multiple times throughout our summer season. If you have specific questions about King fishing, give us a call and we can discuss the limits!

Coho Salmon:

While king salmon are often known for their strength in the water, coho salmon are known for their chaotic nature. After hooking into one of these fish, it’s not uncommon for them to zip back and forth in the water along with jumping, spinning, and twirling. If multiple people hook into a coho at the same time be ready to follow the fish all over the boat in hopes that you don’t tangle your line with the other fish. Cohos usually range between 7-12 pounds, growing larger toward the end of summer. The daily limit on cohos is six/person/day, and there are no annual coho limits.


Along with king salmon, halibut are another quintessential fish to catch while in Alaska. Halibut are a targeted bottom fish that we try and catch every day. They are iconic because these fish can grow incredibly large, well into the 300 pound category. However, because many of the large beasts are the breeding stock, regulations have restricted us to target a smaller slot of the halibut. While reeling in a halibut, be ready for a workout! These fish tend to curve their body in a J shape while being reeled up in order to get more drag in the water. Even a small halibut can put up a strong fight. The daily limit on halibut also changes each year but 2023’s limit was one/person/day under 40” or over 80”, with no annual halibut limits.

Ling Cod:

Ling cod are a very unique looking fish, commonly referred to as looking “prehistoric.” They are not only known for their looks, but also their mild, buttery taste. One consequence for them being so desirable was there was significant over fishing in the early 2000’s and their populations suffered. However, they have begun to make a slight comeback. Due to previous over fishing there is a fairly strict ling cod limit of one/person/year.

Rock Fish:

Rock fish are often found on the bottom of the ocean. Sometimes they can be caught swimming higher in the water column toward the surface, but for the most part, as their name implies, they are found swimming in the rocks. These fish are smaller than the other species we target, usually ranging from 1-8 pounds. As for rock fish limits, it can get tricky to keep track of due to the different categories and their specific limits. Some of these rock fish have a limit of one/person/day, while some (black bass) of have a limit of five/person/day.




The Vessels:

Catch-A-King runs nine 26-foot North River aluminum boats with dual 200 horsepower Mercury Verado outboards. These boats are about as safe as can be on the open ocean. They have a comfortable cabin, featuring hydraulic seats to keep you from feeling the full impact of the waves.

After your long day of fishing, the dock is an excellent place to relax and watch the guides fillet the catch and the dockhands process the fish. When the processing begins, it's always a sight to see, so be sure to stop by the lower building and the dock to see them in action.




The Fish Processing:

Catch-A-King offers some of the best fish-processing you can find in the area. We take the time to ensure your fish is the freshest, highest quality it can be. This includes time spent on the boat by each guide bleeding each fish, and keeping it in a cold-storage tank. During coho season, each coho is gutted while on the water to ensure the highest quality meat. While off the boat and back at the dock, we hang your fish for photos and then quickly get to work cleaning it. Each guide fillets his fish to get the most meat off each fish, while dockhands can skin and clean each fish in cold fresh water. Then, your fish is brought to the processing room to be individually vacuum-packed in our two chamber-sealers that can hold six fillets at a time. After vacuum-packing, your fish is put on racks to ensure optimal airflow in the freezer to provide the fastest, most even freeze possible. We also have a -20º F walk-in freezer that can get your fish completely frozen in just a couple of hours. We take pride in having some of the best equipment available to produce fish that will be good for years to come.